Friday, April 26, 2013

Blog #5

Democratic Senator Max Baucus of Montana has recently decided not to run for reelection.  In a recent New York Times article the author Janet Hook writes of Baucus’s announcement on March 23rd.  His retirement makes the total number six on the list of retiring Democratic Senators.  In recent votes concerning the budget and gun control legislation, Baucus has gone against the party.  Baucus wants to reform the tax code to make it simpler without raising revenue, in clear opposition to several members of his party that want to simplify the tax code while also raising revenue (that they intend to do by increasing the income taxes on the wealthiest Americans.)  It will be interesting to see how the remainder of his term plays out.  Now that Baucus is not trying to get reelected will his voting record continue to be in opposition to his party beliefs or will he switch sides in support of his fellow Democrats.   We will all be on the edge of our seats with curiosity and anticipation I’m sure. 

Video with Discussion on his Retirement Choice:

Even though Baucus is not running again it is useful to see how he is scored and rated amongst interest groups, his party, and the DW-Nominate committee to better understand his positions on particular issues.  Alterations to Baucus’s voting preferences may lead to a change in these current scores.  Whether or not a member of Congress votes with or against the standard party position can have effects on their authority within the institution and have a positive or a negative effect on the opinions of a member’s constituency.   According to Open Congress Baucus voted with the Democratic Party 75% of the time, which ranked 51st out of the 53 Senators.   Interest groups have the ability to sway a member to vote in their favor if the particular interest group has a strong standing in the member’s constituency.  Montana is a rather conservative state, supporting Romney in the 2012 election by 14 points over President Obama.  The interest groups ratings that are important for Baucus include, but are not limited to, NARAL-Pro Choice America, Planned Parenthood, National Farmers Union, American Civil Liberties Union, NRA, and for fun The Federally Employed Women.  It is relevant to notice the change in ratings over the years of Baucus’s congressional service.  I should mention that the following information is given in percentages.  The higher the percentage the more often Baucus votes in accordance with that interest group’s views.  THE NARAL-Pro Choice America and Planned Parenthood ratings mirror each other giving Baucus a 100% rating in both the year 2010 and the year 2000.  The face that Baucus is consistently a Pro Choice supporter in a rather conservative state is surprising to me.  The National Farmers Union gave Baucus a 100% in both 2010 and 2000.  The American Civil Liberties Union gave Baucus an 80% approval rating in the year 2010 and just a 57% approval rating in the year 2000. The NRA (who is considered to be one of the most powerful and influential interest groups in America today) has an interesting report on Senator Baucus.  In the year 2008, which was the most recent rating I found, they gave the Senator 100%.  But in the year 2002 he received only a 67% and even more surprising 0% in 1993.  The recent votes and actions taken by Baucus in accordance with NRA views are obviously in due to push from his constituency (there must be a good number of Ted Nugent want-to-Bes in Montana). (Nugent on gun control)  The ADA (Americans for Democratic Action) gave Baucus and 85% rating this year.  DW-Nominate ranked Baucus 45th of 101 Senators in the 112th Congress and 52nd in the 111th Congress.  

Sources: (used for DW-Nominate scores) (This is a NY Times article announcing Baucus’s retirement Tuesday) (Used to score members on their action vs. inaction in Congress) (List of various interest group ratings)